
Re-inventing a travel brand for a new generation.

Brand Strategy / Launch Strategy and Campaign / Creative Campaign / TVC / Out of Home

The Idea 

Get Picky

First Choice was a household name, but it had lost relevance and had an ageing customer base. To win new younger consumers, First Choice needed a fresh point of view that would resonate with younger travellers.

Through research we found younger travellers were embracing their picky side, demanding holidays that felt 'more me'. Get Picky is a brand platform that connects with this need, and encourages consumers to be proudly picky when finding the holiday they deserve.

The Launch Campaign 

The power to pick the holiday you seek is within you

Tapping into the huge manifestation TikTok trend, our launch campaign follows our main character, Holly, as she manifests her perfect picky holiday through a series of affirmations.

Out Of Home

Landing our idea across the UK in digital OOH.
