Christian Aid

Hack the Agenda - with a PM deepfake

Digital Strategy and Campaign / Creative Campaign / Social
Chrstian Aid - Hack - Lead image (1)

The idea 

Hack the Agenda

Cop26 was happening but one issue wasn't on the agenda, again. "Loss and damage” is a scheme that recognises the need to compensate poorer countries for the unfair share of burden they face from climate change that on the whole is created disproportionately by wealthy countries. Even though the idea has been recognised since 1992, no compensation had been agreed, because poorer country's voices weren't been heard.

So we hacked the agenda, with a deepfake of the PM's headline speech, and got a new voice heard: Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate.

The film - deepfaking the Prime Minister

Hacking the agenda

By highjacking social

We hijacked trending conversations daily, and steer them towards this important topic. Pointing out the hypocrisy, scandal, and greenwashing, and explaining the need for Loss and Damage to be acted upon.

Hack 1 - 4.10.22
Hack 10 - 24.10.22
Hack 14 - 2.11.22

Watch the full case study film

The Results 

  • €340m Plegded
  • 11m Impressions
  • 2.6m Content views
  • 1 New agenda point: Loss and Damage